groovy,geb(selenium),spockによる自動化テスト その10- GebConfig.groovy
Geb attempts to load a ConfigSlurper script named GebConfig.groovy from the default package (in other words, in the root of a directory that is on the classpath). If it is not found, Geb will try to load a ConfigSlurper class named GebConfig from the default package - this is useful if you run tests that use Geb from an IDE because you won’t have to specify GebConfig.groovy as a resource, Geb will simply fall back to the compiled version of the script. If both script and class are not found Geb will continue using all defaults.
import import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver import geb.Browser /*********/ /** URL **/ /*********/ // setBaseUrl(def baseUrl) baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080" /************/ /** Driver **/ /************/ // setDriver(WebDriver driver) driver = { def driver = new FirefoxDriver() driver.javascriptEnabled = true driver } // 環境変数 environments { chrome { driver = { new ChromeDriver() } } firefox { driver = { new FirefoxDriver()} } } // sample : テストブラウザ切り替え // mvn -Dgeb.env=chrome test // or // mvn -Dgeb.env=firefox test /*************/ /** Waiting **/ /*************/ // setDefaultWaitTimeout(Double defaultWaitTimeout) // setDefaultWaitRetryInterval(Double defaultWaitRetryInterval) atCheckWaiting = true; // wait値がデフォルトtrueになる waiting { timeout = 5 retryInterval = 0.1 } // setWaitPreset(String name, Double presetTimeout, Double presetRetryInterval) waiting { presets { slow { timeout = 20 retryInterval = 2 } quick { timeout = 3 retryInterval = 0.5 } } } // Sample for waiting { waitFor("quick"){ 2 == 1 + 1 } } /**************/ /** ???? **/ /**************/ // setUnexpectedPages(Collection pages) unexpectedPages = [PageNotFoundPage, InternalServerErrorPage] /**************/ /** Report **/ /**************/ /** **/ // setReportsDir(File reportsDir) reportsDir = new File("target/geb-reports")// 報告格納先 reportOnTestFailureOnly = true // 失敗時のみ報告 // PageSourceReporter // only HTML // ScreenshotAndPageSourceReporter // HTML And png // reporter = new CustomReporter() // カスタム報告出力オブジェクト // API // void report(String label) // void reportGroup(String path) // cleanReportGroupDir()