liguofeng29’s blog


groovy,geb(selenium),spockによる自動化テスト その10- GebConfig.groovy



Geb attempts to load a ConfigSlurper script named GebConfig.groovy from the default package (in other words, in the root of a directory that is on the classpath). If it is not found, Geb will try to load a ConfigSlurper class named GebConfig from the default package - this is useful if you run tests that use Geb from an IDE because you won’t have to specify GebConfig.groovy as a resource, Geb will simply fall back to the compiled version of the script. If both script and class are not found Geb will continue using all defaults.


import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver

import geb.Browser

/** URL **/
// setBaseUrl(def baseUrl)
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080"

/** Driver **/
// setDriver(WebDriver driver)
driver = {
    def driver = new FirefoxDriver()
    driver.javascriptEnabled = true

// 環境変数
environments {
    chrome {
        driver = { new ChromeDriver() }
    firefox {
        driver = { new FirefoxDriver()}

// sample : テストブラウザ切り替え
// mvn -Dgeb.env=chrome test
// or
// mvn -Dgeb.env=firefox test

/** Waiting **/
// setDefaultWaitTimeout(Double defaultWaitTimeout)
// setDefaultWaitRetryInterval(Double defaultWaitRetryInterval)

atCheckWaiting = true; // wait値がデフォルトtrueになる

waiting {
    timeout = 5
    retryInterval = 0.1

// setWaitPreset(String name, Double presetTimeout, Double presetRetryInterval)
waiting {
    presets {
        slow {
            timeout = 20
            retryInterval = 2
        quick {
            timeout = 3
            retryInterval = 0.5

// Sample for waiting {
    waitFor("quick"){ 2 == 1 + 1 }

/** ???? **/

// setUnexpectedPages(Collection pages)
unexpectedPages = [PageNotFoundPage, InternalServerErrorPage]

/** Report **/
/**  **/
// setReportsDir(File reportsDir)
reportsDir = new File("target/geb-reports")// 報告格納先

reportOnTestFailureOnly = true            // 失敗時のみ報告

// PageSourceReporter                      // only HTML
// ScreenshotAndPageSourceReporter         // HTML And png
// reporter = new CustomReporter()         // カスタム報告出力オブジェクト

// API
// void report(String label)
// void reportGroup(String path)
// cleanReportGroupDir()